Accident Prone: Common Holiday Accidents [INFOGRAPHIC]

Published Dec 04, 2018


Updated Feb 13, 2025


Est. reading time: 2 minutes

Key points

  • The holiday season often sees an increase in accidents and illnesses, making it crucial to be aware of common risks to ensure a safe and healthy celebration.
  • Common holiday accidents include burns from turkey fryers, injuries from holiday decorations, tripping over extension cords, and fires caused by faulty Christmas tree lights or candles.
  • Food-related illnesses are also prevalent during the holiday season, with improper thawing of turkey and food-borne illnesses affecting a significant number of people.
  • Other risks include injuries from carrying luggage, hypothermia due to cold temperatures, and a peak in flu cases during the fall and winter months.
  • If medical attention is required, it's recommended to find a nearby urgent care center for prompt assistance.
Accident Prone: Common Holiday Accidents [INFOGRAPHIC]

It's November, which means the holiday season is nearly here. With all the joy and family gatherings the holidays bring comes injuries and illness, too. Keep your family healthy this year by understanding - and avoiding - the most common holiday accidents. But if you find yourself needing medical attention, find a nearby urgent care center to get the help you need.

Related: Visiting Grandparents During COVID-19 Holidays

The Most Common Holiday Accidents

  • The average temperature of oil used in a turkey fryer can reach 350 degrees, which can lead to 3rd degree burns. [1] [2] [3]
  • 13,000 people are seen each year for accidents related to holiday decorations. [4]
  • 5,800 accidents occur when people fall putting up decorations during the holiday season. [5]
  • About 2,000 people every winter are treated for lacerations, sprains, and more due to tripping over extension cords. [6]
  • 50% of Christmas tree fires happen between December 22 through January 5, due to faulty lights, candle decorations, and more. [11]
  • 1 in 6 Americans suffer from food-borne illnesses each year. [7] [8]
  • Thawing a turkey in an uncontrolled environment can lead to illness. [9]
  • Candle-started fires make up 13% of home fires each December [10]
  • Over 100,000 people are treated for scalding accidents per year. [12]
  • About 1,062 injuries are due to space heaters each winter. [11]
  • Hypothermia can occur at cold temperatures of 40 degrees Farenheit or colder [13]
  • Over 55,000 people sustain injuries to back, neck, and shoulders each year due to carrying luggage. [14]
  • Up to 20 percent of the population gets the flu each year, which begins in the fall and peaks around January or February. [15] [16]


  1. [1]
  2. [2]
  3. [3]
  4. [4]
  5. [5]
  6. [6]
  7. [7]
  8. [8]
  9. [9]
  10. [10]
  11. [11]
  12. [12]
  13. [13]
  14. [14]
  15. [15]
  16. [16]


What are some of the most common holiday accidents?

Some of the most common holiday accidents include burns from turkey fryers, accidents related to holiday decorations, falls when putting up decorations, tripping over extension cords, Christmas tree fires, food-borne illnesses, and injuries from carrying luggage.

How dangerous can a turkey fryer be?

A turkey fryer can be very dangerous as the average temperature of oil used can reach 350 degrees, which can lead to 3rd degree burns.

How many people are seen each year for accidents related to holiday decorations?

Each year, around 13,000 people are seen for accidents related to holiday decorations.

What are some common injuries associated with holiday decorations?

Common injuries associated with holiday decorations include lacerations, sprains, and injuries due to falls when putting up the decorations.

How common are Christmas tree fires?

About 50% of Christmas tree fires happen between December 22 through January 5, due to faulty lights, candle decorations, and more.

What are some common causes of food-borne illnesses during the holidays?

Food-borne illnesses can be caused by improperly thawing a turkey in an uncontrolled environment.

What are some common injuries during the winter season?

Common winter injuries include those due to tripping over extension cords, scalding accidents, injuries due to space heaters, and hypothermia.

Where can I seek medical attention if I have a holiday-related accident?

If you find yourself needing medical attention, you can find a nearby urgent care center to get the help you need.

Dr. Rob Rohatsch, MD, is a Board-Certified Emergency Medicine physician and urgent care executive. He earned his MD from Jefferson Medical College, currently serves on multiple boards and is Solv’s Chief Medical Officer.

How we reviewed this article

Medically reviewed

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Topics in this article

HolidaysInjuriesIllnessUrgent CareBurnsCold And FluExerciseTravel

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